Hosted at a top facility, the EDP Spring Kickoff Florida is open to all levels and is the perfect event for teams looking for a tournament to jump start their Spring season. Play against clubs from around the state and region as the EDP Florida Spring League begins.
DATE: Saturday & Sunday, January 25-26, 2025
LOCATION: Paradise Coast Sports Complex, 3940 City Gate Blvd N, Naples, FL 34117
AGES & FEES: 8U-14U Boys & Girls | 8U-10U: $895/team | 11U-12U: $995/team | 13U-14U: $1,145/team
FORMAT: 8U-10U – 7v7 | 11U-12U – 9v9 | 13U-14U – 11v11
7v7: 4, 50-minute Games | 9v9: 3, 60-minute Games | 11v11: 3, 60-minute Games
7v7: 4-Game Guarantee | 9v9 and 11v11: 3-Game Guarantee, plus possible Playoffs & Finals
Note – All 7v7 and 9v9 use the one-man referee system.
EDP Soccer uses online team check-in at all competitions. Participating teams must upload an electronic copy of their event roster, player and coach cards, and a signed EDP Registration Affirmation into GotSport. EDP Soccer staff then reviews and verifies these documents before the event begins.
All teams are required to complete the Online Team Check-In prior to each EDP Soccer tournament or showcase. Once your team is accepted, it should be a top priority for all players, coaches, and tournament organizers. Proper check-in allows all parties to be fully registered, insured, and eligible to participate in competitive play.
Check-in procedures and deadlines are communicated multiple times to teams prior to each event and posted on various web pages and documents. EDP Soccer has a firm stance regarding a team’s failure to check in prior to an event.
All information has been pulled from EDP’s official website, for updates and more information please visit
Paradise Coast Sports Complex is owned by Collier County and funded strictly through tourism tax dollars. It is managed daily by Sports Facilities Companies ( While you are enjoying your time here at the complex, if you want to share pictures and/or comments on our social media. They each can be found @PCSCNaples . Thank you for coming to Southwest Florida and we hope you enjoy your time here.